Learn More About Potential Kidney Diseases

The kidneys are some of the body’s hardest working organs. These wonderful organs are responsible for filtering out all the waste and toxic substances that come in from food and medication. They are filter out the excess minerals that can accumulate in the blood. The kidneys keep a person’s fluids in proper balance. They are also responsible for hormones that help the blood, blood pressure and bone health. To put it bluntly, the kidneys are incredibly busy organs! 

However, like other organs, the kidney is vulnerable to disease. Certain actions can damage kidneys over time. Diseases can damage the function of the kidney. With many, kidney function will slow over time. People will often feel very sick due to the extra toxic elements that don’t get filtered out of the body. Learning more about kidney disease can be a first step to helping avoid it! 

Chronic Kidney Disease

This is one of the best known kidney diseases. Chronic kidney disease is also called CKD for speed and is a gradual destruction of the kidneys. This disease is typically caused by people with high blood pressure or diabetes. This accounts for about two thirds of all cases.

People with CKD often have a poor appetite and difficulty with concentration. They also feel fatigued and have less energy for their daily lives. Chronic kidney disease can cause people to sleep poorly and cramp up during the night. It also causes frequent urination, which is especially prevalent in the night time. 

The most important part about chronic kidney disease is that when it is discovered, treatment needs to begin. The goal is to keep chronic kidney disease from becoming worse and reaching the point of kidney failure. With kidney failure, the kidneys stop working altogether and the only way that blood can be filtered is through dialysis or getting a full kidney transplant.  

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Another type of kidney disease that many people face is polycystic kidney disease. Rather than simply shutting down, this disease has cysts which form within the kidneys. These cysts are full of fluid and they keep the kidneys from performing at the levels they should. In some cases, these lead to kidney failure. Polycystic kidney disease is actually the fourth most common way that kidney disease develops. 

Symptoms of polycystic kidney disease start once the cysts get to be at least half an inch in size. Smaller than that and symptoms are too mild to notice. People with polycystic kidney disease should expect the following: 

  • Pain the Side of Body
  • Frequent Urination
  • Increase Chance of Urinary Tract Infections
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Urine With Blood 
  • Kidney Tones
  • Back Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Skin Discoloration (Very Pale or Bruising Easily)

Since polycystic kidney disease is passed down genetically, it’s also possible for children to show some symptoms. These would include high blood pressure, frequent urination or getting a urinary tract infection. 

Other Kidney Conditions

There are many other forms of kidney disease and conditions which a person may experience. Many of the symptoms are similar to those of the other forms of kidney disease listed above. Most people have heard of kidney stones, which are small calcium composites, which are very painful to pass through the urine stream. 

Alport syndrome is a genetic condition featuring kidney disease. It also has people struggle with hearing loss and vision irregularities. Fabry disease is another genetic disease common to the kidney. Minimal change disease results in huge amounts of protein being lost to a person through their urine. Other kidney diseases include Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, Berger’s Disease, Nephrotic Syndrome and Glomerulonephritis.

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