Learn More About Endometrial Carcinoma

Endometrial carcinoma is a form of uterine cancer that starts in the endometrial. This is the lining of the uterus. From there, it’s possible for endometrial cancer to spread throughout the body, but especially to the abdomen area.  

Endometrial carcinoma is a dangerous cancer that affects the reproductive system. Treatment will often ensure the loss of ability to bear children. For women who have undergone menopause, the risk of this cancer is higher due to their increased age. Learn more about this cancer and getting treatment before it’s too late. 

Risk Factors

Cancers are caused by mutated cells. These mutated cells turn into tumors which can spread throughout the body. Sadly, despite the constant research, the definitive cause of cancers continues to elude the scientific community. When it comes to endometrial carcinoma, many factors have been exposed as increasing the chance of getting this cancer. Risk factors include: 

  • Advancing Age - As a person ages, they are more likely to get endometrial cancer. 
  • Lack of Pregnancy - If a person has never had a child or been pregnant in their life, they are more likely to get endometrial cancer. 
  • Excessive Years of Menstruation - Some women start menstruation before the age of 12. Others may find that menopause occurs years after it would normally do so. Both of these are risk factors. 
  • Hormone Therapy - Alteration of hormones can be an issue. Women often receive hormone therapy for breast cancer. While this can increase the risk of endometrial cancer, it’s usually a risk that’s worth it considering breast cancer is already an issue. 
  • Inheritance - Some people can inherit what’s known as Lynch syndrome from their parents. This syndrome increases the chance of colon cancer and of endometrial carcinoma. 
  • Obesity - The hormonal balance of a person can be thrown off when they become obese. This is thought to increase the risk of endometrial carcinoma. 

Diagnosis and Symptoms

Diagnosis will start by examining the symptoms that a woman is feeling. There are three main symptoms that will usually come into play. The first is vaginal bleeding. There’s two forms that are worrying. The first is when a woman is bleeding after undergoing menopause. The second is bleeding in between periods. The final symptoms is feeling general pelvic pain. 

It’s important to see a doctor after any of these symptoms appear. A doctor will likely perform a pelvic exam for signs of endometrial carcinoma. They may also use a scope and remove a sample of tissue. It’s also possible that a doctor will use soundwaves to attempt to map and get a view of the uterus. 

Treatment for Endometrial Carcinoma

There are several different aspects of treatment that can be used for endometrial cancer. The first option is usually surgery. This is often unlike that of other cancer treatments. Endometrial cancer surgery usually begins with the complete removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. These are called a hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. Women who have not yet undergone menopause will undergo it once the ovaries are removed during this surgery. 

Another option for treatment is radiation therapy. This therapy targets the region of the cancerous cells. This is delivered through powerful beams of energy. For endometrial cancer, this is usually a method of ensuring that cancer doesn’t return after surgery. Chemotherapy can be recommended after surgery as well. 

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