There Are Several Signs and Actions That Show Someone is Suffering From Narcissism

The term narcissism has garnered a lot of attention over the past decade. While it is true that we all exhibit certain narcissistic traits on occasion, a person suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is defined by the destructive, selfish traits that rule their life to the detriment of themselves and others. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines a narcissistic personality disorder as a diagnosable condition that causes individuals to possess a lack of compassion for others coupled with a grandiose opinion of their own self-importance.

The roots of the word "narcissism" are attributed to the mythological Greek youth Narcissus. They are famous for falling in love with their own reflection staring back at him from the water in a spring. Inarguably, it has become all too common to hear accusations of narcissism bandied about as a frequent form of criticism. Below are some identifiable traits and behaviors linked to narcissism.

1 - Feels Entitled

We've all met people who feel they deserve nothing but the best even when they haven't necessarily earned it. These entitled individuals might insist on flying first-class when their budget might align more with an economy ticket. In addition to wanting to show others that they are somehow better than the masses, they also expect to be treated like they are special in every way. That explains why people who suffer from this disorder often overreact when they are questioned. They expect others to always agree with them.

2 - Lacks Empathy

By definition, when an individual is self-centered, they typically lack empathy for others. We've all heard remarks like, "it's all about them." Since narcissists are so tuned in to their own needs, it is unlikely they will have the time or interest to put anyone else's needs first. This lack of empathy is one of the causes of failed relationships that often earmark a narcissist's life story. When you consider the give and take required for a successful intimate relationship or work life, it becomes easy to understand why some narcissists struggle. Granted, that does not mean that many people with this disorder don't have a knack for surrounding themselves with the type of people who feed their ego and success. In the worst cases, a lack of empathy encourages cruelty or neglect. Considering that the narcissist can't really put themselves in another's shoes, it is not surprising when they act with very little regard for other people's needs or feelings.

3 - Exhibits Arrogance and a Lack of Control

When people fail to live up to a narcissist's expectations to be treated like they are special, then the sparks will fly. While most adults learn to bite their tongue and roll with the certain disappointments that crop up in life on a regular basis, narcissists are ill-equipped to let perceived slights and failings go. When other people don't measure up, they are met with disdain and anger, sometimes cast aside altogether. Narcissists expect the people in their life to bend to their will and to make a huge fuss over them on command. If you miss their birthday or don't show up at their party, then things might get ugly fast. Forgiveness is not a strength that narcissists possess.

4 - Requires Constant Admiration

While it is always nice to earn a sincere compliment, narcissists demand constant admiration from the people in their life. Anyone who fails to comply is likely to be kicked to the curb. Whether it is your boss, your spouse or best friend, a narcissist expects you to notice every little thing they do, telling them how great they are at every turn. One of the most distinguishing character traits of a narcissist is their incessant need for compliments. They need to hear about what they wear, how they think, and how exceptional they are in all things. A neglected narcissist is likely to reject people who don't fuel their ego requirements with constant enthusiasm.

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