There Are Various Treatments For Atopic Dermatitis

Some people may find that their skin is red and itchy. It can go away, but it seems to come back repeatedly. It’s most likely that they are suffering from atopic dermatitis. Other people refer to atopic dermatitis as eczema. Like many conditions, atopic dermatitis works through the process of “flare ups”. After the symptoms go into remission for a period of time, they can flare up through various causes. Different people have different triggers for their flare ups. 

There are a variety of ways to treat atopic dermatitis. Some treatments are designed to reduce the severity of symptoms after a flare up has occurred. Others hope to reduce the overall number and severity of flare ups in total! Treatment can come from a doctor, or it can consist of home care. Most people with atopic dermatitis may end up working on a mix of both. 

1 - Moisturizing

Atopic dermatitis often flares up when the skin is dry. Moisturizing skin twice per day can make a big difference. There are a wide variety of commercially sold options, so there’s plenty of choices to be had. There’s more to keeping moisture in than just applying some lotion though. It’s important to use warm water instead of hot water when taking a shower or bath. Also, keep them to a minimum. 10 to 15 minutes is the most they should run. 

2 - Bleach Baths

This is a treatment method that can be performed at home by the affected. A bleach bath sounds terrifying at first, but can help reduce the amount of flare ups. It does so by removing bacteria on the skin that can cause infection. Bleach baths use a small amount of household bleach added to a full size bathtub of warm water. From there, people can either soak their affected areas, or from the neck down. Bleach baths should not last longer than 10 minutes and never more than twice a week. 

3 - Medicated Creams

One of the most common treatments that is chosen is going to come from a doctor in the form of a prescription for medicated creams. These creams can use different medications. They should be used in addition to standard moisturizing procedures and are usually applied directly after. It should be noted that strong sunlight can affect the creams. Overusing them can also have some side effects and damage the skin, so always use them directly as needed. 

4 - Light Therapy

Light therapy is usually not the first treatment chosen, but it can help for people who don’t get great results from topical treatments. Light therapy exposes the skin to specific amounts of light. This can come in the form of ultraviolet light (Both A and B types) as well as natural sunlight. Long term light therapy can be a very effective treatment for atopic dermatitis, but it comes at a cost. This therapy can cause skin to age rapidly and there is an increased risk of cancer. 

5 - Wet Dressings

This is a treatment for people who suffer from severe cases of atopic dermatitis. This treatment is not particularly easy to complete for people who have may widespread outbreaks of atopic dermatitis. It can be performed by nurses in medical centers or hospitals in these cases. With wet dressings, the area affected is treated with topical medicine, then wrapped in a coating of wet bandages. The combination can prove beneficial to many. 

6 - Take Advantage of Home Care

There are plenty of minor things that can be done from day to day to avoid flare ups of atopic dermatitis. Moisturizing and bleach baths have already been mentioned. Using a humidifier can keep the air from getting dry. Smooth textured articles of clothing are a must. Stress and anxiety can be a problem, so meditation to try to reduce these and improve emotional health is beneficial. Finally, never scratch atopic dermatitis! If you must touch it, press on the skin instead.

Disclaimer: The articles on this website are not meant to encourage the self-management of any health or wellness issue. Nor are they meant to encourage any one type of medical treatment. Treatment or advice used by a reader may have varying results, as each individual is different. Any article reader with a health-related question, is encouraged to seek a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider. The articles on this website should not be used to disregard any medical or health-related advice, nor should they be the root cause for delay in seeing a doctor or a certified health provider.

The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.

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