Weight Loss Techniques for Seniors

Life gets easier, better and more fun as people get older, and for the most part, they become comfortable with who they are. Older people also let things slide easily. They indulge more in what works for them and enjoy the gift of family more. If this same level of ease would be translated to weight loss, getting old would be so much fun; but that’s not the case. Losing weight is harder than anything else. A stiff back makes it harder to get out of bed in the morning to go for a morning jog or attend a gym session at the local gym facility.

At times, it feels like the pounds that one has in the thirties and forties doubles in the fifties and sixties. Tt's that hard. As much as this is true, experts agree that it is vital to achieve a healthy weight no matter how old one is. Assuming that fat in the body is fine is a very bad mistake. It is important to ensure that a healthy lifestyle is not pegged on your youth, it has to be maintained no matter the age.

It can be easy to give up, but the older generation should know that the rate of losing weight in the 20’s and 60’s is just the same. It's the mentality that needs to change. Now, let's look at some techniques an individual in their senior years can use to maintain or lose weight.

Don’t Focus on Weight Loss, Focus on Fat Loss

Seniors don’t need to keep checking their weight in the morning and feeling disappointed with the numbers they see; it's counterproductive. Instead of focusing on the body weight, they should focus on body fat. Purchasing calipers or a measuring tape to measure the size of the waist should be an investment that needs to be done. For instance, if an older man stands at the height of 5’9”, his waist size should be lower than 32 inches, and if a woman stands at the height of 5'4", she should be less than 34.5 inches.

Drink Lots of Water

Boosting overall health is important to losing weight. Drinking water is always important. As age catches up, the hypothalamus gland is usually dull to recognize thirst signals. This makes it easy to avoid drinking water. Since water is important when it comes to digestion, it is easy to mistake thirst with hunger, making one eat even more than they should be. To assist with proper hydration, many seniors set an alarm at intervals to keep drinking some water and avoid eating all the time.

Add Strength Training to Your Routine

As age passes by, muscle also decreases. By the time one hits 50 years old, 20% of the muscle falls off compared to what was present in the twenties. Seniors should also know that due to loss of muscles, the metabolism also slows down.

But to get out of this trap, a good weight training program can help the body to get used to muscle strain. Easy resistance training is not quite enough. The aim should be for more weight to help to build strong bone and muscle.

Frequently Asked Questions About Seniors Losing Weight

Q: I can't remember the last time I worked out, why should I even start?

A: It’s never too late to start a regular workout. You can do a regular cardio exercise like cycling, swimming,and brisk walking to strengthen your bones and boost your energy.

Q: I have several medical issues that I am handling, can I really exercise?

A: Consult your medical doctor first and get a recommendation of the exercises you can do. Always know that regular exercise will help you recover faster and improve many of the conditions you may be facing.  

Q: Which exercises can I do that’s easy for my joints?

A: You can do water exercise like water walking or swimming. You could also get into cycling, use of elliptical machines and rowing if you have joint issues. 

Disclaimer: The articles on this website are not meant to encourage the self-management of any health or wellness issue. Nor are they meant to encourage any one type of medical treatment. Treatment or advice used by a reader may have varying results, as each individual is different. Any article reader with a health-related question, is encouraged to seek a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider. The articles on this website should not be used to disregard any medical or health-related advice, nor should they be the root cause for delay in seeing a doctor or a certified health provider.

The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.

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