The Symptoms of Schizophrenia Are Not Always Active

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the way the brain processes information. It also affects how a patient views reality. Many people see Schizophrenia patients as crazy and have a fear that they might be dangerous to them. There is little chance that a Schizophrenia patient would turn violent. In most cases, the danger comes from the people around them. Since there is a lot of misconception around Schizophrenia, most patients are afraid of seeking medical counsel. Not seeking medical help when one has symptoms of Schizophrenia can be dangerous. Without medical attention, the condition is known to worsen and might warrant institutionalization. Knowing about Schizophrenia and how to handle it, on the other hand, will help the patient lead an almost normal life with little to no symptoms.

Causes of Schizophrenia

Studies are still going on to try and determine what causes Schizophrenia. The one conclusion most doctors have come up with is that it is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the body. Whenever these chemicals imbalance, they lead to Schizophrenia. Although there is no clear reason why it occurs in some people, some factors make the condition develop in some people and not in others. These factors can also make the condition severe in some people and not in others.

  • Genetics. If a person comes from a family with a history of Schizophrenia, then there are high chances that they might get it.
  • Taking mind-altering medication. Taking medication that alters the mind is known to lead to Schizophrenia. It happens this way, especially if the patient took the medication while they were teenagers.
  • Major pregnancy changes. Pregnant mothers can also get Schizophrenia if the hormonal changes are many.

Knowing about these risk factors ensures that a patient can spot any changes and get medical help before things get out of hand.

Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia

The symptoms of Schizophrenia will depend on the stage of Schizophrenia the patient is in. There are stages where the symptoms are not active. The stages and their symptoms include: 

  1. Prodromal. In the early stages of Schizophrenia, there are very few symptoms that one might not even notice. Schizophrenia in teenagers is mistaken for emotional changes. Getting checked out when the symptoms stay too long can help chart out a treatment plan before it is late.
  2. Active. The active stage is where most of the symptoms tend to show. Here are some of the signs and symptoms to look out for:
    1. Hallucinations
    2. Delusions
    3. Disorganized speech and thoughts
    4. Changes in motor behavior
  3. Residual stage. Although many doctors do not consider this a stage of Schizophrenia, it comes at a time when the patient shows little to no signs.

Most people wait for the signs to intensify before seeking medical help. Doctors recommend seeing a professional as soon as they notice a change in their moods that is out of the ordinary.

Treating Schizophrenia

Based on the patient's stage and the severity of the symptoms, there are three treatment options for the patient. Medication is a natural option. Patients are given antipsychotic medication to help balance the neurotransmitters in the brain. They help reduce the symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition. The patient will be on medication for the rest of their lives so it helps to know what dosage is right for them.

Alongside medication, the patient will have to see a psychiatrist for therapy. They will help to figure out their patterns and behaviors and ensure that the disease does not worsen. Therapy also helps identify and triggers that might have caused the brain imbalance and try to figure out how to deal with that.

Hospitalization is sometimes necessary. The patients might have to get checked into a facility in dire conditions. Institutionalization is important especially if the episodes are very erratic and intense. The patients will get monitored in a safe space and their medication will be regulated well.

Schizophrenia is a condition many people have little information on. With a little research, patients can get their symptoms under control and lead a healthy life. The treatment plans are more detailed now which is a great plus for patients. Most patients with Schizophrenia can lead a normal life without having intense episodes.

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