A Person's Hormones Evolve and Change As They Age

When people think of the hormones coursing through a body, the most common thought is teenagers and the raging cauldron of hormones that they seem to embody. The growth of the body and transformation from child to adult requires a large amount of hormones to mature the various aspects of a person. This is shown off in a teenager, with some moody results! 

However, once a person becomes an adult, that doesn’t mean that hormones stop changing. As a person moves through the various stages of life, they will find their body providing them with different hormones to meet their changing needs. There’s also many different conditions and disorders which can be gained later in life which will alter a person’s hormones in predictable or semi predictable ways. 

Why Do Hormones Change?

Typically when it comes to hormone changes, it usually means a reduction of them. Hormone levels are so high during the teenage years that it’s hard to naturally increase them higher than that. It’s also important to note that it’s not overall levels, but the levels of the specific hormones that change. One of the main reasons is they are no longer needed within the body. Once a body has completed growing, it makes little sense for the hormones responsible for growth to keep being produced.

The other reason that hormones can change their levels are various health conditions and diseases. These can affect the production of hormones and reduce (or increase) them to unacceptable levels. In turn, the body can have any number of side effects depending on the absence of these important regulatory hormones. 

Which Hormones Change

Not every hormone in a body is going to change. One of the most common hormones that will see changes as a woman ages is estrogen. This hormone is multi purpose and provides a lot of the reactions that characteristics that women identify themselves by. As a person ages, there’s no longer a need for as much. Menopause can even drop estrogen levels far lower than is healthy, which can in turn require some hormone replacement therapy. 

Diabetics can see the hormone responsible for controlling the body’s blood sugar reduce itself. The body responds in various ways, including turning sugar into fat, or letting the excess sugar affect eyesight. There are also many other hormones which can change! 

Common Hormonal Issues

It’s important to note that “hormonal issues” can cover a large number of different things. These can occur as a person ages, or be something that is prevalent throughout life. The following are some of the main issues that cause hormonal changes and drops. 

  • Menopause - As a woman undergoes menopause, she will find her estrogen production greatly reduced. The end of fertility can be a difficult time and the hormonal shifts can result in some very powerful impacts on a woman. Hot flashes and mood swings are very common symptoms. 
  • Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) - This condition is one in which a person finds themselves uninterested in sexual activities. While it can sometimes be psychological or physical issues causing it, hormonal imbalances are one of the most common ways.   This is often common with people suffering from dyspareunia as well. 
  • Diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes in particular stops a person’s pancreas from creating enough (or any) hormone to keep a person’s blood sugar levels properly regulated. Diabetes is one of the most common serious conditions out there. Research continues to try to fight this life threatening problem, but until a curse is found, managing blood sugar has to be done manually to incorporate the body’s lack of hormone production. 
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