When writing emails, letters, and other common documents on your computer, the uniqueness and individuality of most people can get a bit lost. In this way, writing can become distant and impersonal due to the lack of interpretation when it comes to one’s tone of voice, mood, etc.. Using computer fonts affords many individuals the opportunity to maintain their unique and creative qualities, even when they are expressing themselves on a computer. Although the mode of communication that we use through computers can be somewhat distant and impersonal, we are getting closer to closing the gap in this area. Using various fonts helps create a vehicle for individuals who seek to maintain uniqueness in their writing.
Getting New Fonts
The greatest part about the internet is that there are a multitude of resources for just about anything you want to do, including obtaining cool fonts to use. It’s amazing what you can find and locate when you do online searches these days. In this way, finding innovative fonts that match one’s fancy can be a cinch. Some of the top website options for finding free fonts include www.fontsquirrel.com and Google Fonts (www.fonts.google.com). Despite the brief registration that some may require, finding a desirable font style and downloading it to the computer are generally simple tasks. You can often look forward to seeing new font styles on these websites on a regular basis.
Adapting Fonts To Calligraphy
It is very important for all of these websites to have a variety of fonts available, from traditional to fancy. In this way, there are many tastes covered, including standard penmanship to curly cursive font styles. If you are fond of calligraphy, there are even fonts available for download that simulate the handwriting of professional calligraphy writing. It is quite amazing to see how well one is able to adapt fonts to their own calligraphy writing. One of the most popular websites with the much sought after calligraphy fonts is www.fontspace.com. One of their most loved calligraphy fonts includes the “Allura Font” which exhibits a luxurious, flowing font style to the likes of many. The pure essence of calligraphy is found in this cool font.
Some Of People’s Favorite Fonts
As you could imagine, there are many font styles to choose from once you start scouring the internet but, nevertheless, of course, there are some that stand out as favorites among the multitude. There are some fonts that appeal to more people than others. Some of the most common favorites include the following:
- Helvetica - A very traditional font, often used for professional or formal writing, including letters, legal documents, website content, and news articles.
- Baskerville - A commonly traditional font style used for book manuscripts, brochures, eBooks, pamphlets, and newspapers.
- Times New Roman - A traditional font often used for academic purposes, including in the writing of college papers, projects, essays, by both students and professional faculty members.
Selecting cool fonts to use in expressing oneself through written language can be a very fun and rewarding experience. As you have learned, there are many font styles to choose from based on your various purposes for writing. The realm of creative and cool fonts breathes new life into the world of writing.