Coughing Can Be a Sign of These Common Lung Infections

One symptom within the body does not receive the worry that it often should. The simple cough is so common. It can be caused by so many different issues and reasons. The vast majority are mundane. The cough can also be a harbinger of the serious. Coughing is often a sign of issues within the lungs. Some aspect of the delicate balance of the respiratory system is out of balance. Whether it’s something mundane, or something serious, no one wants problems in their lungs.

1 - Asthma

Asthma is one of the most well known and troublesome lung conditions. People with asthma tend to cough when they are exercising, laughing or later at night. Asthma is also characterized by a difficulty to breath and chest tightness. Asthma tends to be a moderate issue until people have what’s categorized as an asthma attack. In this case, the symptoms come on incredibly strongly and people are unable to breathe. People use “puffers” to immediately release medication to the lungs as directly as possible. This quick acting medication soothes the attack and lets an asthmatic breathe capably again.

2 - Cystic Fibrosis

Unlike some other diseases that are caused by a human’s actions, cystic fibrosis is a problem that is inherited through genetics. People with cystic fibrosis have the fluids that usually act as lubrication instead become thick and adhesive. Passageways become blocked. This is common in a few parts of the body, but especially within the lungs. Cystic fibrosis treatment starts with daily plans. Medicine is common, but others work on physical therapy, mechanical devices and vest therapy. The goal is simple, to loosen up lung mucus so people can breathe properly throughout the day.

3 - Pneumonia

There are several versions of pneumonia. It can be caused by bacteria, fungus or a virus. When someone has pneumonia, the air sacs within the lungs get filled with fluid. The coughing from pneumonia is watery and can be incredibly sharp. Many people have been known to pull muscles in their body from tensing during severe coughing fits. Pneumonia treatment can be antibiotics, antiviral medications or merely bedrest. It depends on the type of pneumonia. Pneumonia is serious and can be fatal to children, the elderly or in severe cases for adults.

4 - Emphysema

This long term disease is very common in people who are smokers. The air sacs in the lungs become damaged and then don’t allow for flow through them.  Emphysema is one of the lung conditions that add up to form COPD. As the tissue between the air sacs are damaged, air gets trapped in this damaged tissue rather than healthy air sacs. From there, it’s harder and harder to breathe. As mentioned, smoking is the most common cause of emphysema. People who suffer from secondhand smoke as well as air pollution can be causes of emphysema. Emphysema builds up and becomes worse over time.

5 - Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis was one of the most dangerous and contagious lung infections throughout the 1800 and 1900’s. Tuberculosis has not been cured, but rather it can now be treated with antibiotics. People who suffer from “TB” have to suffer from over 6 months worth of treatment! People can have TB latently, which means that the immune system has the disease under control in the body. It could possibly occur in the future. Active TB is causing symptoms and is contagious to other people.

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The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.

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