Neurological ailments affect the transmission exchange between our body’s brain and nervous systems (central and peripheral). Each is composed of specialized cells called nerves necessary for just about every bodily function. Together they make up a complex network that regulates the heart, muscles, respiratory, digestive and pupillary functions.
Health situations related to neurological causes include infections, viruses, parasites, fungi, or bacteria. Episodes of these medical conditions weaken the body’s natural defense tactics against invading organisms. Physical injuries, traumas to the head, and spinal cord damages can lead to different types of nerve damages. These malfunctions are associated with short and long term cognitive (learning) abilities, function capabilities, and emotional problems.
For some, family DNA (genetics) are passed down increasing the risk of developing a neurological condition. Genes can also be changed (mutated) as a result of daily life choices such as poor nutrition, alcohol or tobacco consumption, and exposure to environmental toxins. Combinations of these lifestyle behaviors and heredity traits contribute to neurological disorders and propose varying levels of life-threatening incidents.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
One form of neurological dysfunction is called spinal muscular atrophy. It’s characterized by the progressive loss of the lower motor neurons that transmit the impulses in the spinal cord. The condition is related to genetics or a gene mutation occurring before birth or during adulthood. Infants, younger children, and adults experience difficulties with muscle controls.
The cause is the breakdown of the nerve cells that communicates with the brain and the spinal cord directing one's muscle movements. Over time, the muscles get weaker and begin to shrink. The change develops into more complex problems having to do with the loss of muscle control:
- Head movements
- Sitting upright
- Walking
- Long-term symptoms include trouble with swallowing and respiratory (breathing).
Unfortunately, there is no cure for SMA, but treatment can moderate the symptoms without interfering with the patient’s ability to interact or socialize.
Dyskinesia has to do with the body's involuntary movements. Individuals appear to be fidgety or restless with this type of ailment. Movements vary, and some are more noticeable than others. In some situations, involuntary symptoms may be a spontaneous twitching, swaying of the body, or bobbing of the head. Other characteristics include:
- Dyskinesia movements are described as a twisting action versus a trembling sequence.
- Symptoms worsen over time and intensify with brain damages or injuries.
The cause is due to a change in the brain's chemistry making it difficult to perform normal routines. It’s commonly diagnosed in people with Parkinson’s disease caused by the medication used to treat the disease. The following features can occur with dyskinesia and other movement disorders:
- Loss of control ranges from mild to severe.
- Movement can frequently happen at any time of the day without any indication or warning.
- It can affect a single arm or both arms and legs at the same time.
Treatment is tailored for the type of dyskinesia, the individual’s health status and dependent on the cause and the severity of the condition. For some, medications can be adjusted to manage the symptoms and the potential side effects.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis has to do with injuries associated with the central nervous system involving the brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves of the eyes. Early signs of MS are neurological episodes that last 24 hours. There are multiple symptoms linked to MS, and like these listed below they will vary depending on the level of nerve damage.
- Blurry vision
- Fatigue
- Muscle weaknesses
- Slurred speech
- Pain
The exact cause isn’t known. However, the disorder occurs when our body’s immune system malfunctions, by misinterpreting an attack on the brain and spinal nerve cell covering (myelin). The body’s natural response is to protect, but in this situation, it damages the nerve’s covering (sheath). A damaged sheath makes it difficult to transmit signals from the brain to the body part.
There is no cure for MS. Treatments can help to manage the disease’s course. Long durations of MS can permanently damage the nerves or cause significant deterioration. Environmental elements are known to influence this condition.Genetics intervene with the development of MS.
Periods of remission are random among diagnosed patients, lasting months or extending into years. Secondary symptoms and other health conditions are common, but they are usually a result of MS treatment side effects.
The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.