What Are The Common Forms of Arthritis

Most people use the term arthritis whenever pain is noticeable around the joints. However, this is not an accurate diagnosis, but a generalized account of any number of musculoskeletal disorders. The one shared factor under the wide umbrella of arthritis is that the discomfort normally occurs where the joints connect. Inflammation around the joints is another denominator in the most common forms of arthritis. How this inflammation is formed and why it chooses to attack the joints is a difficult task for doctors to determine. There are certain traits that can help to serve as an identifier of specific types of arthritis. These include age, past injuries, genes, gender and being overweight. However, this is only a starting point for physicians to identify the more than 100 different types of arthritis. Even once a name is placed on a specific type of arthritis, the cause is difficult to verify. According to a March 2017 study conducted by the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that up to 25% of the American population has been diagnosed by a physician with some type of arthritis. This number represents children and adults with the most prevalent cases being held by adults as they age.

Most Common Forms of Arthritis

The CDC expects the number of Americans afflicted with some form of arthritis to grow to 26% by the year 2040. There seems to be no prejudice to specific racial or ethnic groups although scientific studies continue in this area. There are a few common types of arthritis that stand out in the vast population of Americans. This list represents the most common forms of arthritis and numbers afflicted according to a survey conducted by the National Arthritis Data Workgroup.

  • Osteoarthritis - 27 million
  • Gout - 8 million
  • Fibromyalgia - 5 million
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis - 1.3 million

Any form of arthritis should not be treated lightly. It is the biggest reason for disability claims in our nation today due to the pain of swelling joints. If stiffness, pain and aching persists in joints, a diagnosis should be made by a physician.

Questions and Answers:

The information given should shed some light on the importance of arthritis. However, there still may be unanswered questions. Here are some common answers to questions from arthritis sufferers.

Q: Is there any form of arthritis that is fatal?

A: Arthritis, in itself, is not fatal. However, complications can set in and cause conditions where mortality is a possibility. Only testing by a physician or rheumatologist can provide the extent of your condition.

Q: Does arthritis mean that I can no longer work?

A: Depending on the type and severity of the arthritis, one may be unable to perform certain tasks of specific jobs. This is a question that should be discussed with your physician. Medication could be the answer or a change in career or disability may be recommended.

Q: Can one control their arthritis through diet?

A: Certain foods have been known to improve minor arthritis. The biggest factor is to shy away from foods that cause inflammation. These products can vary according to your specific form of arthritis. Your doctor will be able to provide a diet according to your personal evaluation.

Q: Can arthritis trigger other types of disease?

A: There is often a link to arthritis and other conditions. Heart disease, lung problems, infection or anemia have been associated with those suffering from arthritis. Your physician needs to monitor your overall physical health for any warning signs of developing problems.

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The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.

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