Which Essential Oils Are The Most Beneficial to the Elderly?

Aging is a natural part of life, but unfortunately, it usually brings on frustrating health issues. Elderly people are much more prone to experiencing aches, pains and medical conditions that can seriously affect their quality of life. Often, seniors feel trapped in a cycle of eating bland, "healthy" food and consuming a daily regimen of prescriptions and vitamins in the hopes of feeling a little bit better.

Medication and a healthy lifestyle are excellent ways to manage much of the discomfort associated with growing old, but many people don't realize that utilizing certain essential oils can have a dramatic effect on their lives as well. Some people find that adding the right essential oils to a senior's daily routine can eliminate the need for some medications and drastically improve overall physical and mental health.

Over the past several years, essential oils have been receiving a lot of attention in health and wellness spheres as well as in the media. Much of this exposure due to the fact that they are able to be used for such a wide variety of ailments. Additionally, essential oils are an incredibly versatile wellness tool. They can be inhaled, vaporized, diffused or massaged directly onto the skin.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are all-natural oils that have been distilled from certain healing plants and herbs, usually through a special steaming process. These oils are extremely concentrated and carry both the fragrance and beneficial properties of the plant they were distilled from.

Throughout history, essential oils have been used therapeutically to treat a wide variety of aches, pains and illnesses.

How to Use Essential Oils

These oils are highly concentrated, which generally means they should be diluted before use.

For use on the body, essential oils are typically diluted in a plain, carrier oil like olive or almond oil. This allows you to use it for massage or on pulse points as needed.

To diffuse throughout a room, you can invest in an electronic diffuser or simply add a few drops of the oil to a warmer or a pot of gently boiling water.

Essential oils can also be made into sprays for linens or general room refreshing.

Which Oils Are Most Beneficial For Seniors?

There are many essential oils that seniors can benefit from. Below are a few of the most common health questions along with the best essential oils for each.

Q: What Oil is Best for Digestive Issues?

A: Ginger

Ginger has a long history of aiding with digestive issues in beverage form, but its essential oil is just as useful. Ginger oil has strong pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great choice for joint pain, arthritis and other inflammatory joint problems. Some even use it to remedy constipation and loss of appetite.

To use ginger oil for digestion or joint pain, mix a few drops into a carrier oil, and rub the mixture on the abdomen or inflamed area.

Q: Which Oils Are Best for Mental Health?

A: Lavender

Lavender is probably one of the most popular essential oils, and its benefits are some of the most well-known.

In addition to promoting relaxation and calmness, lavender oil can help soothe the symptoms of anxiety and mild depression. Its sedative effects are also helpful for lowering high blood pressure and alleviating insomnia or restlessness.

A: Rosemary

Rosemary oil is used for its ability to invigorate the body and stimulate the mind. It can be used to elevate the mood, stimulate poor appetite and improve cognitive performance. It is also helpful for easing the symptoms of mild depression.

Citrus Oils

Lemon balm, sweet orange, grapefruit and neroli are all part of the citrus oil family. Many of them function similarly, so which you choose is largely based on personal scent preferences.

These oils have natural antidepressant properties and can also help soothe those who suffer from panic attacks. In addition, citrus oils are able to invigorate the senses and improve the mood to promote general feelings of happiness and well-being.

Q: Which Essential Oils Can Be Used For Alzheimer's and Dementia?

A: Bergamo

Bergamot is especially useful for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease or dementia. It has been shown to help relieve anxiety, mild depression and stress, all of which are common among patients with dementia. It can also be helpful for easing insomnia and promoting overall feelings of wellness.


This essential oil is a great choice for anyone suffering from poor sleep, restlessness or insomnia. Sleep tends to become less restful as you age, which can easily lead to a general decline in mood, health and quality of life.

Ylangylang is particularly helpful for elderly people living with dementia or Alzheimer's as well. It promotes a peaceful mind and helps ease people into more restful sleep. It can be used on its own or combined with other oils like lemon, bergamot or lavender.


Like lavender, peppermint essential oil is incredibly popular and can be found in many common health and beauty products. The benefits of peppermint oil are extensive.

It can help to sharpen the mind, calm the nerves and improve overall mood.

Q: Which Essential Oils Can Help Poor Circulation?

A: Black Pepper

Black pepper oil is an invigorating, energizing essential oil. Often, older people experience circulation problems due to lack of mobility and age. Massaging trouble areas with black pepper oil can stimulate better circulation and blood flow.

This oil can also be helpful for improving the symptoms of Raynaud's disease.

Juniper Berry

Along with poor circulation, fluid buildup and swelling are common complaints among seniors. This fluid buildup, often referred to collectively as edema, can cause pain, stiffness, numbness and general discomfort.

Juniper berry essential oil can be used as a massage oil on the places that are most prone to uncomfortable swelling. It helps to remove excess fluid and promote better lymph circulation.

Essential Oils Are Essential for Great Health

Essential oils are an excellent way for seniors to take more control over their health. Proper diet, exercise and regular checkups with a doctor are all important for living a healthy life, but adding the right essential oils can make a world of difference.

Disclaimer: The articles on this website are not meant to encourage the self-management of any health or wellness issue. Nor are they meant to encourage any one type of medical treatment. Treatment or advice used by a reader may have varying results, as each individual is different. Any article reader with a health-related question, is encouraged to seek a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider. The articles on this website should not be used to disregard any medical or health-related advice, nor should they be the root cause for delay in seeing a doctor or a certified health provider.

The articles on this website should not be used to start the use of dietary supplements or vitamins, natural or herbal products, homeopathic medicine or other mentioned products prior to a proper consultation with a doctor or certified health provider.

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